Ameron, APT, Catlow, Cimtek, COX Reels, Duro Reel, EBW, EMCO, FE Petro, Fillrite pumps, Gasboy, Gilbarco, Gorman Rupp pumps, Healy, Husky, Incon, Kolor Kut, LSI, Morrison, OPW, Pemco, Petroclear, Phil Tite, Red Jacket, Richards, Riverside, Ronan, Schlumberger, Smith Fiberglass, Talk-a-phone, TC Fuels, Total Containment Tidel, TMS, Tokheim, Universal, Vaporless Manufacturing, Veeder-Root, Verifone parts, Wayne



Part Info
Ad # 37646 
Date Posted 3/16/2023 
Manufacturer VeriFone 
Part Number 13641-01 
List Price $15.40 
Selling Price Each $5.00 

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-- Search by Part Number or Description instead of using both.
-- Search by partial Part Number instead of the complete part number. i.e. use 12345 instead of T12345-G1
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Items listed for sale must have a sale price of one-dollar or more.

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Copyright 2011  
Cualquier referencia a una marca o fabricante, o a un número de parte usado por un fabricante, lo utilizamos únicamente como referencia para identificar los productos.
Bottom Line no es representante de ninguno de los fabricantes listados en esta página.